Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Leapin' Lizards!

Well hello again everyone that actually reads this blog! I felt like it was probably time to update my blog and just let you all know what I have been doing since my last post!

1. Bought a car!! I don't know if I told you this in my last post, but he is a beauty! His name is Frank, but Poncho when he is dirty! I still smile every time I see him! Oh and for all you wonderers, he is pretty much the only man in my life at the moment! ;) crossing our fingers that that will change soon! HAHA!

2. I was diagnosed with Chronic Kidney Disease- I did not post this because I wanted sympathy or the "Wo, is me"... I just wanted my friends and family to know what was going on in that department. Apparently, only 30 percent of my kidney is actually functioning. So I am on some cholesterol medication and a strict low protein diet to hopefully bring my kidney function up. Please no "I will pray for you" comments at the bottom. Yes, prayers are always good, but lets keep them personal, k?

3. I moved to Tucson!! I started my new job June 7, 2013. I love living in Tucson. I even love the heat. After living in Colorado for a year, 105 is feelin' mighty fine! My best friend lives here and we have already had a blast! The kids are great and we are slowly but surely getting into a routine. For right now, lets call them J and R. I like keeping some mystery in my life.

So the title... "Leapin Lizards," is not only R's summer camp group name, but the boys are from VA and they have been obsessed with all the lizards we have in AZ. It has cracked me up. Where we live, we have seen tons of lizards, quail, doves, and a couple deer. Oh! and a Roadrunner, musn't forget! We were all stoked about that one. So, while we have been so obsessed about lizards, I have gathered a lot of knowledge about them. Are you guys ready for a quick science lesson? What would a future teacher's blog be if it didn't have a quick lesson.
This is a Zebra-Tailed Lizard. They are everywhere where we live. They are super cool and stealthy, as most lizards are. J and I have found out that these lizards like the hottest weather and they will sleep on pavement in the middle of the night. Their tails are actually for their predators because if the predator grabs the flashy tail the lizard can grow back another one. Pretty cool stuff, right? Can you tell I nanny a 6 year old boy? Yeah I love it! Have a freakin' amazing day! :)